At the Catholic Enquiry Centre (CEC). We experience the joy of reaching out to hundreds of people, many belonging to other faiths, to spread the great message of God’s love for us, His children.


Dear Child of God, I request you to lift your hearts to God and join me as I pray: Loving Father, pour out your abundant LOVE into the hearts of the reader and the hearers through the Holy Spirit, whom you have given as your gift to us. Dear Holy Spirit, fill them with divine wisdom to know and love you. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.


In the New Testament the first 4 books known as the four Gospels are the most important books as they deal with the life, message, the final sacrifice on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus. Among the four Gospels the first three Gospels, namely, the Gospels... More +

PERSONAL PRAYER The highest type of personal prayer is contemplative silence, inner worship of the indwelling God. Jesus himself practised what he taught. He often went away alone into solitude in the mountains or the desert place and invited his disciples sometimes to be alone with him... More +

Correspondence Courses
The picture above is the first encounter between Andrew, the first disciple of Jesus, and his companion with Jesus of Nazareth. Andrew was already a disciple of John the Baptist. However, when John the Baptist saw Jesus walking by on the bank of the Jordan River, he exclaimed to his disciples: More +

14th ACECI General Body Meeting - A Report
I am glad to present you with the Report of the recent 14th ACECI General Body Meeting. Over the cover page of this report is a picture of Jesus, “the Good Shepherd” because he has been the first seeker who came to seek and save the lost. But he wants all of us to be “seekers ” therefore he said... More +

Easter - President ACECI Message
Let me begin with a story. It is a story of a loving father and his darling son. I believe that it is a true life-story. This touching story is that of a Russian Mr. Alfred and his only son, Greg. As a dashing youth Greg enrolled in the army. After two years Mr. Alfred received a letter from the commanding officer of Greg.. More +

Basically, CEC is a ministry of the direct evangelization mainly through specially prepared, graded literature on Jesus Christ and the Bible. Evangelization is precisely living and proclaiming Jesus and his message rooted and founded on the Bible. More +

Let me begin with a story. It is a story of a loving father and his darling son. I believe that it is a true life-story. This touching story is that of a Russian Mr. Alfred and his only son, Greg. As a dashing youth Greg enrolled in the army. After two years Mr. Alfred received a letter from the commanding officer of Greg.. More +

LENT – A Time of Spiritual Renewal
Christians traditionally observe Lent through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through prayer a person establishes, renews his/her relationship with God or perhaps, he/she seeks ever more close relationship and intimacy with God. Fasting is not simply giving up something like smoking, drinking.. More +

Christmas Message
Today after 2000 years after the birth of Jesus the Christian world celebrates Christmas joining the angels and the shepherds, the least ones of the societies in praising God for the marvels of the Son of God being born as a human being! During this season the Christians every where are trying to fathom.. More +

Message from President - ACECI
Dear Sr Clare,
First of all, I wish you and your Team a Very Happy & Joyful Christmas and a Love-filled Peaceful New Year. May the Babe of Bethlehem bless you all abundantly on this Christmas season and throughout the New Year. I am happy to share with you my joys of 2014 and the hopes and aspirations of the.. More +

Reflection - Easter and Divine Mercy
Mercy in the midst of tragedy: The news is filled with illustrations of mercy—or the need for mercy—in our world. One of the most moving stories came to us on October 6, 2006, when an armed man entered an Amish schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania... More +

"Let there be one body and one spirit, for God, in calling you,gave the same spirit to all.One Lord, one faith, one baptism."(Ephesians 4:4-5)

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