At the Catholic Enquiry Centre (CEC). We experience the joy of reaching out to hundreds of people, many belonging to other faiths, to spread the great message of God's love for us, His children.


Dear Child of God, I request you to lift your hearts to God and join me as I pray: Loving Father, pour out your abundant LOVE into the hearts of the reader and the hearers through the Holy Spirit, whom you have given as your gift to us. Dear Holy Spirit, fill them with divine wisdom to know and love you. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.


CEC Meeting to welcome new Staff

A day to celebrate the answer to prayers.
After a period without any support staff CEC celebrates and welcomes its new staff to the CEC family. The celebration was at the CEC office and was attended by staff and coworkers.

Sr CL Clare dsp
Fr Rayappa
Fr Chinna Rao
Alice John
Mary Lewis
Leena Pushparaj
Salath Mary

Sr Clare welcomed everyone and expressed her joy on the occasion. The joy was also seen on the faces of the participants.

A passage from scripture was read out by Piers. The reading was from Philippian’s 2:1-4

Php 2:1-4 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any incentive of love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, (2) complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. (3) Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves. (4) Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

A bouquet was presented to Fr Rayappa being the first time he has attended a function of CEC. The honor of presenting it was given to the birthday celebrant Alice, this was followed by the lighting of the lamp by Fr Chinna Rao, Fr Rayappa, Sr Clare, Davin, Salath Mary and Piers.

An inspiring message was shared with everyone by Fr Rayappa. The summary being "Mission is a gift, assurance and command. Discipleship is a lifelong commitment."

Sr Clare thanked the new staff and the blessings God has bestowed on CEC. Salath Mary and Davin the new staff and Piers a co-worker

Cynthia and Sr Clare presented the new staff with flowers welcoming them into the CEC family.

Alice and Mark the birthday celebrants of the month cut the birthday cake and this was followed by snacks and tea.

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