It was a memorable day for the CEC Family to welcome Sr. Margaret as the new Directress while also bidding goodbye to Sr. Clare who served the CEC tirelessly and selflessly for the last nine years.
It was during the CEC meeting held on the 10th of March 2015 in the presence of our beloved Archbishop, Most. Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, our Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. J. Arokianathan, erstwhile CEC Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. Terence Fransz, National Director Pontificial Mission Societies Rev. Fr. Faustine Lobo, Parish Priest and Rector of Infant Jesus Church and Shrine Rev. Fr. Michael Anthony and Administration Rev. Fr. P. Arokiadoss, CEC well – wisher Rev. Fr. Francis Xavier, Sr Superior of Daughter of St Paul Rev. Sr. Vimala, dsp, co – workers of CEC, ICPE members, Sisters from the Sacred Heart, our guests and well – wishers, that the charge of the CEC was handed over by Sr. Clare to Sr. Margaret, the new Directress of CEC.
Fr. Nathan in his opening message congratulated Sr. Clare for the excellent service rendered during the last nine years and said she worked for the welfare of the CEC and also evengelised to all those who come tp the centre. He thanked Sr. Clare and wished her more Spirit – filled years in her missionary journey.
The Archbishop in his message thanked Sr. Clare for her perseverance in ensuring new Projects for CEC and thanked her for the new ideas that she brought to the cEC in the core mission area of proclaiming the Good News to people of other faiths. He explained that Sr. Clare would be taking on a new assignment and as was required all priests and religious follow their call in obedience to the will of god to serve the people.
Sr. Clare while thanking God for the special day said it is also a day of thanksgiving for her for the mission entrusted to her during the last nine years that she tried to fulfil to the best of her ability. She thanked the enable key mission tasks. She also thanked all those present, collaborators, well-wishers, everyone involved with thw CEC mission. It was a tearful moment of appreciation of her staff and co-workers for Sr. Clare, while also welcoming the new phase of her spiritual life.
Fr. Nathan formally welcomed Sr. Margaret the new Directress to the CEC Family through the handing over of THE KEY ceremony, blessed by His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, encouraging her to continue the good works in progress at the CEC. Co – worker Dorothy Miranda read out a Farewell message for Sr. Clare, dsp, while co – worker Lalita Menezes welcomed Sr. Margaret, dsp. Every one gathered were treated to a slide – show and video programme put together by the staff for the two Directresses, which was followed by a short Fellowship – Tea among the gathering.
Judith Soares