At the Catholic Enquiry Centre (CEC). We experience the joy of reaching out to hundreds of people, many belonging to other faiths,
to spread the great message of God’s love for us, His children.
Dear Child of God, I request you to lift your hearts to God and join me as I pray: Loving Father, pour out your abundant LOVE into the hearts
of the reader and the hearers through the Holy Spirit, whom you have given as your gift to us. Dear Holy Spirit, fill them with divine wisdom
to know and love you. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
CEC OUTING AND LENTEN RECOLLECTIONArchdiocesan Catholic Enquiry Centre under the guidance of Sr. C.L.Clare - Directress of CEC, organized a Lenten Recollection to ‘Preethi Sadan’- Cluny Provincialate, on 17th March 2014. CEC Co-workers and Staff participated in this recollection. The recollection talk was given by Fr. J. Arokianathan Spiritual Director of CEC. After the talk he celebrated the Holy Eucharist. After Lunch the members entertained themselves with a variety of games. It was a day of prayer and fun. |
"Go into all the world and PROCLAIM the GOOD NEWS to the whole creation"(Mk 16:15)
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