At the Catholic Enquiry Centre (CEC). We experience the joy of reaching out to hundreds of people, many belonging to other faiths,
to spread the great message of God’s love for us, His children.
Dear Child of God, I request you to lift your hearts to God and join me as I pray: Loving Father, pour out your abundant LOVE into the hearts
of the reader and the hearers through the Holy Spirit, whom you have given as your gift to us. Dear Holy Spirit, fill them with divine wisdom
to know and love you. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
ARCHBISHOP'S MESSAGEARCHBISHOP BERNARD MORAS HOLDS CHRISTMAS SNEHA MILAN ![]() Poojya Sri Veerabhadra Channamalla Mahaswamiji of the Sri Nidumamidi Maha Samsthana was the chief guest at the gathering which was held at United Theological College in Bengaluru on Wednesday. Archbishop Moras welcoming the religious leaders and all others explained the meaning of Christmas. He said Christmas brings peace, joy and love, among other good qualities. Jesus came on earth to give peace to humanity and not only to Catholics or other Christians alone. He said that Christmas is a time when ‘we recall God’s love for us, how he becomes human so that we might recognize Him in all human beings. Hence, Christmas is a time for recognizing Him, not only in Jesus but in everybody. It is also a time for renewing relationships and reaching out to one another. It is for this reason, families come together, people send greetings to one another and Christians are happy to greet all our brothers and sisters of other religions. The Sneha Milan is organized with the same goal and purpose. Dr Moras also introduced to all AKUCFHR. He wished everyone present God’s blessings during this Christmas and throughout their lives. Swamiji Sri Veerabhadra Channamalla speaking on the occasion stressed the importance of moral life for entire humanity. He held high the teachings of all religions and considered all religions as holy and great. Jesus was a perfect leader who brought peace, justice, love and harmony among all sections of the people at that time. People everywhere need these even today. People need redemption which Jesus gave. Swamiji who spoke at length touched upon various aspects of religious teachings throughout centuries and the occasion of various religions coming into existence according to the need of time and the situation. “People of various faiths claim as per each one’s stand but we are one in many ways including culture of India.” Bishop Dr Mar Seraphim of Syrian Orthodox Church who spoke on the meaning of Christmas asked the gathering to stand in silence for a while to express solidarity for the children who were killed in Pakistan. He spoke of a wider ecumenism which is the manger. “Peace, the need of the hour, is particularly the message of Christmas and all can be united with this message. We live in a world of selfishness and lead a self-centred life. But God gave humanity a self-sacrificial life. That is Christmas. Flesh which is inclined towards evil is made holy. To keep body and mind pure is a challenge and a difficult task. Jesus gave his body for all. He came to give direction and progress to the world. Christmas is not an event to celebrate but it is a reality of life broken for others so that others also have life,” Bishop Abraham elaborated. He greeted everyone a happy and holy Christmas in advance. Shreyar Vakil from Parsee Fraternity spoke of secularism and its meaning in the present context. Parsee is a minority within minority. They are only about 80,000 in the world. All religions teach to follow after good thoughts, deeds and words. He wondered whether Santa Claus is real or a myth! Christmas, according to him, is a gift of love, sharing, caring, harmony and many more which contribute positively towards building up of a good society. All can become Christians who follow the tenets of Christ and not necessarily someone is born as a Catholic or a Protestant. Christmas is a time and a day of introspection and not only for joy and rejoicing. Water was changed into wine at the instance of Mary. From that day on, He became Christ from Jesus. Masood Fouzdar, Chairman of Karnataka Minority Development Corporation, said Christmas is happiness. This was the day when the world was blessed with happiness and marked history with the birth of Jesus Christ. In a troubled world today, happiness and peace is what we look for. About 2000 years ago there existed pain, fighting and distrust besides several other problems. The birth of Jesus brought the world peace, love, happiness and a future to look for. He called upon all to get together to nurture the love and harmony brought about by Jesus Christ. He also assured the minority community that he and his department would extend all help towards empowering them through education and employment. Among others who spoke included Gyani Baldev Singh (Head Granthi, Guru Singh Sabha), Ananda Bhante (Head Mahabodhi Society) and Fr Ronnie Prabhu, SJ who was the main organizer and spokesperson. Fr Ronnie enlightened all with his brain teasers intermittently between the speeches and cultural items. Other religious leaders present on the occasion were Rajesh Bhantia, Jain representative, Mar Thoma Church, CSI, Orthodox Syrian, Believers Church, Assemblies of God, Lutheran, FCCO, Baptist, Jacobite Roman Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, and Methodist Churches. Earlier, the religious leaders were honoured with shawls and garlands. The Christmas Sneha Milan began with lighting of the traditional lamp. Students of Mount Carmel College and St. Joseph’s College of Commerce performed splendid dances and students of Jyanajyoti, Anekal, sang a prayer song. Among others present were Ivan Nigli, former MLA, Congress youth president, priests, nuns, high ranking officials and people of all walks of life. A lucky dip fetched prizes for many and Santa distributed the prizes to the winners. The first prize went to a retired IAS officer and presently BBMP official. Some of the people behind the scene were Pericho Prabhu, Kiritappa, Amith Nigli and several others. After the vote of thanks by P C Anthonyswamy, the get-together concluded with a closing Anthem. Read more at: Back |
"Let there be one body and one spirit, for God, in calling you,gave the same spirit to all.One Lord, one faith, one baptism."(Ephesians 4:4-5)
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